Delayed But Not Denied: Disappointment
Disappointment is a hard thing to deal with. I hate being let down and I hate letting people down but both have happened quite a lot in my life and even though it sounds pessimistic, I know it will still happen again because you know that's life innit?
Some who are more eloquent and loquacious than myself will tell you with more grandiose verbosity than I care to muster that "every disappointment is a Divine appointment with destiny" and I do believe that, it's just that when let downs happen, it takes more than eloquence to numb the pain though it is helpful to be reminded that if we look closer it all could be a blessing in disguise as our wise mothers tell us with comforting tones and encouraging hugs.
The more disappointments happen, the more you try to protect yourself from them happening and what we do is lower our expectations or even walk around expecting let downs to happen even when there is no sign or hint of it. One might even start to reduce their hopes in the name of being "realistic" and one who was once a dreamer about possibilities over time hardens into what they call a "realist" and to be fair one must keep it real and try to be objective but like an old song by Les McCann says "trying to make it real compared to what?"
The thing is we can't live like that and deep down inside we know this, even the greatest cynic knows this. The late great comedian George Carlin said " “Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist” this is very true. If you ever meet a person that comes off as very cynical about everything, just dig deeper and you might probably unearth a story of someone who has been let down a lot in life. Either that or they have been around people who they have seen let down and seeing all that has affected how they see things generally.
Like I said we can't live without hopes, dreams and aspirations even if sometimes those things seem like the proverbial carrot dangling from the proverbial stick leading us on. Yes indeed some dreams do seem like a mirage in the desert that you never seem to be able to reach but everyone needs something to aim for or you just live aimlessly with no purpose. No one can live for long like that, even if you don't know what it is, you sense you were born for a reason. You sense that there is something more than the norm that you are seeing around you that you are here for.
Besides all this there is the day to day survival that is happening regardless and you are here right in the middle of it. Everyday you wake up and life goes on. You are on a journey regardless. As long as you are breathing the journey continues. So my prayer for you and for me as we live is that God will guide us all. I pray that God will heal hearts that have suffered setbacks and that somehow by grace we turn stumbling blocks into stepping stones.
Yes I know it is not easy, yes I know it is easier said, tweeted, facebooked, instagrammed etc than done but we must do this. This one life we've been blessed to live on earth has no sequel here. Yeah YOLO and all that but that is not an excuse to live reckless, it is more of a call to treasure every moment you have. You can't crawl back into your mama's womb, you can be reborn into a life that extends into eternity though but hey that is a whole other blog :)

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